Friday, March 29, 2013

My Connections to Play
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning…They have to play with what they know to be true in order to find out more, and then they can use what they learn in new forms of play.” ~ Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood)
“For a small child there is no division between playing and learning; between the things he or she does ‘just for fun’ and things that are ‘educational.’ The child learns while living and any part of living that is enjoyable is also play. ~ Penelope Leach (psychologist and author)
I loved to watch Mr. Rogers. I mean, really loved. I played with Barbies only because I loved to dress them up in pretty outfits. my mom would sew Barbie clothes for me with material she had left over from the pillows and dresses she would make. So naturally that fed into my insatiable desire for fashion now... My mom and I would go on an outing every other Saturday- yard sale-ing! I found an old medium size chalkboardat a yard sale and my mom bought it for me. I would gather all my papers (usually brochures I picked up at the bank or grocery store, etc) and line up my stuffed animals and teach them with my chalk board and dollar general chalk. Other than going outside to play- this is what I did. I would play fort with my brothers with the couches, sheets, blankets, and flashlights.
Growing up my mom and dad would support my play by joining in with me. I would teach them like they were students and give them tests and grades. Other times, they would leave me to myself and my brothers to play out in the yard, where we usually played a game in which I was the boss. I loved to play and pretend with my brothers. They would get thier action figures and I would get my barabies and we would play together. I would mix dirt and sand and all kinds of earthly objects into a pot and feed them "stew" like my mom did. The list goes on of all the fun things I did as a kid that came natural to me.
Play today is as important to kids development as it was when I was growing up. The difference is the type of play has changed from a more physical and interactive play to a more sedentary play with computers and video games that do a lot of thinking for you. My hope for youth of today is that they would discover the joy of companionship with a best friend, even if that best friend changes every week. And discover outside more and explore again, using their imagination as it comes to them and not as it is portrayed for them on a screen.
Play, in my life, was the way I learned. I learned how to socialize and build realtionships. I learned how not to act as well. I learned that I can't always win or be the boss, and to be okay with that. As an adult, I have learned to take life in stride, to relax more and also to look at children and know that they deserve the opportunities and more, that I had growing up. I also can use my experience with play to help create activities to help my students to use their imagination and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.



Saturday, March 16, 2013

Relationship Reflection
Relationships are important to me because they help to make me the person I am. Having people around you that share a common ground and support you when needed, only helps you to be stronger. I currently have close relationships with my Mom and Dad and a few friends that I consider family. These relationships are positive in the ways that we all respect each other for who we are, we trust that we each have the best interest of the other in mind, and we encourage and offer support always in anything we set out to do. Developing these relationships was easy because we are all open and loving people. Maintaining  them took some work. You have to be intentional when in a relationship. It is never safe to assume anything.   
 Commuincation from all sides is important. Face to face conversations and speding time together are the ways in which these relationships have become what they are today. Aside from growing up in my parents home, I have developed a realtionship with them as an adult. Everyone is not perfect, so trust does get broken at times and things get said that should not, but that is where the relationship part comes in. Is it stronger than the hurt you feel? Could it ever go back to the way it was. Sure. Forgiveness. One key to all of my relationships is the need for constant grace. Like I said, people mess up. Who am I to shun them when they do?
Some of the special characteristics that exist in these relationships that make them a bit more like partnerships are that we believe the best about each other in every situation instead of assuming the worst. We give encoragement always and opinion when asked, and most of all we are for each other.
Having close relationships in my life, I feel have prepared me for being able to communicate with other people without feeling embarassed about what they might think about me or what not. This is a great tool for me to have as an early childhood educator because I can recognize the need for relationship among the families of my students. I am open to the families and very willing to learn about who they are and support them for that.Having these strong relationships in my life have also preapred me to look for the best in every family that I come across.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quotes about Children
"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall begin with the children." -Mohandes Ghandi, poltical and spiritual leader in India

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." -Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa

"Every child you encounter is a divine appointment." -Wess Stafford, President, Compassion International

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." -John W. Whitehead, founder, Rutherford Institute