Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Perfect Research
If I could do one research project, unrestricted, that would hopefully positively contribute to the well being of children and families, it would be to research the impact parents, teachers, and communities (doctors, politicians, economists, board of education, etc.) have on children and their development around the globe and in every level of SES.

 All facets of and positions in the community would be involved in learning about early childhood development and the part they can play in promoting that healthy development. Society as a whole would learn and accept the impact they have and importance of their involvement in the education of children, one community at a time. We would also learn and accept that SES has everything to do with the quality and level of education children receive and make moves to change that and make education free to all children, no matter their status.
In a perfect world, this may be possible, but for now, we shall continue making steps in the direction toward raising awareness.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Personal Research Journey
My chosen topic for the simulation this week was finding out the effects of trauma, specifically PTSD, in preschoolers. I have found many articles on trauma and stress on infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, but none specifically about PTSD in preschoolers. I will continue my search , but if not successful in finding something useful, I will concentrate on another one of my subtopics. I personally found it difficult to write my own literature reviews because I tend to be long-winded when I write. So condensing was a challenge. Filling out the research chart helped me to delve into what the terms really mean and think abut what approach I want to Anyone have any suggestions, advice, or insight that could help me with this process? It will be greatly appreciated!