Saturday, May 17, 2014

Exploring Roles in The ECE Community: Local and State Levels

As I perused the web for local and state organizations, agencies, and communities of practice, I was pleasantly surprised to find that many of theme were right under my nose, well more like down the street from my house! The three I have listed below are wonderful organizations/ agencies/ communities of practice that I am excited to become a part of because they pertain to my favorite part of the EC field and that is child development and parent training. Thing is they have always been there, I just never looked....

-First Connections: Hardin County
This early childhood program offers enrichment lessons and activities for children and parents together. It is for infants and children to age 4 and is at no cost and without academic stipulations! The three main programs they offer are Cradle School, PAT (Parents as teachers), and TAP (Teens as Parents). They recognize the importance of brain development within the first 3 years of life and that having proper care and stimulation during those years is critical to the child's ability to succeed in life. They have a mission to empower parents to be their child's first and best teacher. The main job opportunity for this program is a Parent Educator. This person must have a working knowledge of child development and keep abreast of the newest and latest research. this person must also be personable and be able to establish a good rapport and relationship with each parent involved.

-United Way of Central Kentucky
This accredited charity funds communities of practice within the state. With a logo of "Live United", they encourage people to invest in their communities by giving, advocating, and volunteering to make a difference. When communities of practice get together for a cause United Way offers financial support to go towards the cause. Some of the current impact they are having include in after school programs for different county districts, family care centers, Feeding America program, Head Start, early childhood parent trainings. Their mission is to connect the community for the common good. The job opportunities here are all volunteer based. There is an extensive list on the website of volunteer opportunities from a teacher's assistant in a Head Start classroom to a van driver to transport disabled American Veterans.

-Lincoln Trail District Health Department
Provide early childhood services such as First Steps, Communicare, parenting classes, counseling services, and HANDS (Health Access Nurturing Development Service). This particular EC program promotes positive pregnancy outcome, optimal child growth and development, and family support. Their mission is to provide families with the assurance of the public's health and safety through assessment, intervention, education, and preparedness. Job opportunities include Family Support Workers. These individuals visit homes on a regular basis, build trusting relationships with families, assists first-time parents, and assists families with information on child development and parenting skills. They must also collaborate with other service providers and be knowledgeable about the program.


  1. Hello,
    Your organizations interest me a great deal. Each organization offers a different skill however, they seek to serve children and foster healthy development. I am most interested in Lincoln Trail District Health Department. This organization offers services that I would like to offer in my early childhood center such as parenting classes, counseling etc. Assisting families while the child is still in-vitro is extremely beneficial. Thank you for the post

  2. Lemora,
    How cool is that to have organizations in your back yard and right under your nose. That is great that the first connections offers enrichment lessons at no cost to children. I love the programs that are offer to the teens parents because they need the help and knowledge on how to care for their children and the meaning of becoming a parent. I was not aware the that the department of health offer classes for the community on early childhood. I wonder if you community like most communities are in need of family support workers, to help with the social issues that are arising in every community. Interesting post.
