Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Farewell to My Master's Community

As I say farewell to my Master's community of learners I want to mention some of the things I am taking away from this community as I venture out into the world- yet again- armed with new knowledge.

Three deeply felt learnings that have changed my thinking:
-that I can be an agent of social change just by cultivating awareness and influencing my immediate community
-the realization that I am a part of many communities of practice in my daily life. Starting one with a group of individuals who believe strongly with me on a topic challenges me to work on my collaboration skills
-the importance of knowing what I'm talking about- meaning knowing the historical and current context of my topic- to validate my professionalism

Long-term goals:
-To begin teaching EC courses at the community college level
-Open up a Preschool Village outside of the military post in my community

I want to say thank you to my instructor for creating a classroom atmosphere that fostered open communication and was a safe place to express thoughts and ideas. I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors and hope to meet up with you again in the future.
To my classmates, I thank you for being driven to make change in the EC field and in the lives of children all over the world. You have inspired me to dream bigger than I have before. I believe that each of you will be successful in everything you do because of your love for children and your determination to make a better world for them. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Many blessings to you all!


  1. Lemora-
    I loved your first insight about being a agent of social change by becoming involved in your own community! I too, gained that insight. I enjoyed the pictures you posted and was humbled by your kind farewell! I wish you all the best in meeting your goals!

  2. Lemora,
    I would like to say congratulations on finishing the course and pursuing your dream. This has been a pleasure to share all the learning and growing in the field of education. I will not miss coming in from work tired and having to work on a paper. This has been a great learning experience. I love the pictures of your classroom. Good Luck!! Hope to see you at graduation!!

  3. Lemora, I love your goals, they are very admirable! What are the requirements to teach at a community college? I do not have my license, my bachelor's is in something different than education. Thank you for your help, I wish you well in all that you do and I hope you are able to accomplish everything you dream of!
