Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

I found a website that encompasses all issues and trends in early childhood as it pertains to children from birth to age three. The name of the site is Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, toddlers, and Families and the link is
This is a "national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers" (Zero to Three, 2013).

They now have an active blog to which they post periodically and the latest one that caught my attention was titled "The Sequesters Pain: Air Travelers get Relief, Kids not so much". This blog posted on April 26, explores the swift decision congress made to find money to pay aviation employees so the flight delays would decrease and wait time for travelers wouldn't be so severe. This change in the sequester only came when the members of congress tried to come back home from their long vacations they took and found out how impossible it was to travel when there are not enough employees there to do the necessary jobs. Unlike the aviation employees getting their jobs back, the families that count on federal assistance are in need of homes, and their young children are being dropped off Early Head Start and Head Start rosters. The sequester has effected children everywhere. The following passage is from the blog:
"Passengers who must wait a few hours on the tarmac might miss a meeting or a connection to another city. But young children shut out of early childhood programs miss out on the positive early learning experiences that help their brains make critical developmental connections, putting them on the path to success in school and in life. And while those passengers may shift uncomfortably in cramped seats, families who lose rental assistance may find themselves living for months in cramped quarters, or even becoming homeless" (Baby Policy Blog, Zero to Three, 2013).
This hit home for me simply because I am a government teacher and am now going to be furloughed. Although this will effect my personal life greatly, the kids are the ones who have to pay because it is their education that is being screwed with. And it concerns me to think whether our future generations of children will care anything about our world and sustaining it when the people in charge clearly have shown they don't care about them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lemora,
    Children should be the number one priority. Member of congress had difficulty traveling so the children lose out on education, that is really a sad situation. I will make sure I read the blogs Zero to Three posts, they sound very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

