Friday, August 23, 2013

When I Think of Research....

This course has helped me to realize that research is exactly what I thought it was- a lot of work. However my attitude toward it previous to taking this course and becoming knowledgeable about it was a negative one. I was not willing to do the work before because I was not sure if it was all necessary. Now I know that every part of the research design is necessary and deliberate in producing a quality project and I willfully take on the challenge of doing the work.

Speaking of being deliberate in the research process includes the planning, designing, and conducting of it- which are all equally tedious and potentially difficult. One has to plan for as many outcomes as possible and design a study in such a way that it respects the field, the children, the educators, and the researcher while proving, uncovering, supporting, or informing others of the topic.

Some of the challenges I encountered were designing a way to conduct my research. I had trouble gaining permission to use some methods such as interviewing, and had to change up my method of data collection a few times. I also foresee problems in analyzing the data because I do not want it to be tainted with my views. Having other researchers look into analyzing my data will be a great solution to this problem.

I have grown to respect EC professionals, including myself, as researchers. As mentioned before I did not think there was much to it before this class. Knowing now that I hold the tools and the power to be a legitimate researcher, I feel like I have more to contribute to the field of EC.


  1. Great insight Lemora, very thoughtful and well written. We can all attest to the fact that this doing a research requires a lot of work- and reading! But in the end we have become better individuals for it. We now have more respect for the field and for what we do. All the best in your next course.

  2. Hi Lemora,
    I must agree, the research process is a lot of work. I found it difficult at times. It was all worth it in the end. We will be helping our future generation to have a fair start.


  3. Great post! I agree the process of research is very demanding and a lot of work. I myself had some difficulties. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help and support these past eight weeks. I wish you the very best and look forward to working with you in the future.

  4. I laughed out loud when I read your statement about research being a lot of work! :) I agree with you on that! I still get overwhelmed by research but not in a bad way. I know that I do have the ability to conduct research in the future. Thanks

