Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ending the course but beginning with the fight...

As this course on diversity and anti-bias education comes to a close I realize that my role as an EC professional fighting for anti-bias education has just begun. I hope that one day diverse children and families will be welcomed and celebrated in the classroom by professionals who genuinely care about their well-being and education. I hope that my anti-bias work will influence and even change the societal stigma that diverse families and children face on a regular basis.
One goal I suggest for the early childhood field as it relates to diversity, equity, and social justice, is to train up professionals who are challenged to look past their personal bias and move forward with anti-bias education, before they begin in the classroom.
To all my colleagues I want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your experiences, stories, and opinions openly. I have learned so much from the different perspectives you all have shared and it has made me a better professional and colleague. May you prosper in your efforts against bias in education.

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