Saturday, November 10, 2012

Be Kinder Than Necessary...
I ran across a quote a few years back that really changed my attitude toward, well, people in general. "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." This quote remained anonymous for me until I researched where it came from. Plato originally said it and it has had a few words added here and there by different people throughout the years.
I have applied this concept of being kinder than necessary to my daily life, and especially in my professional life. Dealing with families of little ones can sometimes be very difficult. More often than not, they feel that their child is the only one in your class and they expect you to be superwoman. It is hard to be superwoman to fifty+ students and families everyday, so someone is bound to find something wrong with something you are doing.
I say all of that to say this, it doesn't matter how ridiculous a person is being or what demands they are making on you, or even what they are saying to you. Chances are they are operating out of hurt or a wounded heart and may not know how else to react or behave. If I respond to them the way theyare responding to me , then no effective communication takes place. You just go around and around, repeating the same things over and over again in a hamster wheel conversation.
 I take it upon myself to show them kindness anyway, because that may be what they remember down the road. If it is necessary for me to speak firmly- I do, but always with kind and respect. That act of kindness may also be the thing that reveals to them how ridiculous they're being. I also find the families of my students a lot more trusting of whom is taking care of and teaching their children.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading about your family and the influence they had on your life. I smiled when you talked about your mom’s legacy of a Godly women because my 19 year old daughter recently posted a picture of me on Facebook with the caption "Mighty Woman of God” That is the best compliment you can give a person in my opinion. How interesting how your neighbors introduced you to a different way of life, sparking your interest and perhaps creativity? I love your quote, I am sure you are touching many lives with your motto of being “kinder then necessary.”
